Ecoboards have arrived.

"From now on, we're only making Ecoboards."

Love PU cores? Really into poly resin? Sorry mate, we can't help you. Prepare to leave AW Store empty handed.

But if you’ve a real thing for recycled foam, bioresin and longer lasting constructions, consider us your new best pals. We're saying a big, warm welcome to you, Sustainability.

Earlier this year, we were awarded Sustainable Surf’s Ecoboard accreditation across all our construction options. We’ve just dropped all PU/Poly based construction options from our online store. From now on, we’re only making Ecoboards. Across two different construction platforms, we’re standardising on cores which use recycled EPS foam, epoxy bioresin and laminates which prolong the active life of your surfboard.

“This is the first step on a big, challenging ladder. Saving the planet won't happen overnight, but we've got to start somewhere and we’ve got to start where we know best - we’re starting with surfboards.” - Josh Moffat, AW Designer.

Move through to AW Store and get to know our new sustainable board options.

And yeah, they come in black too.